Iceland - Tollur cancels

Tollur cancels on Iceland postage stamps signified fiscal use, often from Customs duty on postal imports. Stamp collectors disliked them, and usually they were traded as a small percentage of the normal price for postally used. It was seldom appreciated that some postage stamps with Tollur cancels were actually quite rare. Gradually their role in the wider spectrum of philately is being appreciated. We offer here a full listing, including stamps not previously recorded with Tollur cancels by the big four international catalogue publishers. Prices quoted by us reflect rarity, and material offered by specialist Scandinavia dealers. It is not an "offer for sale", it is a priced catalogue for reference purposes.
To view IN FULL this listing (which can then be printed out for personal use only, not for publication) please CLICK HERE
This "Tollur" listing is a sample couple of pages from the new edition of our "Scandinavia Revenues". We always need some help for future editions with improving illustrations and updating new listings for certain sections, especially modern Denmark, Finland Employment tax stamps, and Sweden municipals. If you have a revenue collection that includes these areas, and can assist, please get in touch with your editor, John Barefoot, through this website.